• 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • Good analysis, but you failed to point out that the truck will be towing the whole assembly. Pushing this contraption in reverse could be a hair problematic.

    If he is actually towing it, there is probably an 80% chance the actual truck would detonate the AT mine first, depending on how touchy the trigger was and if it’s ran over directly. (The rig would probably deflect more of the blast back through the truck.)

  • I watched through Day of Honor a couple of times today, but it was kinda choppy for me since I had to work.

    I just want to clarify “give herself up” in that you mean she is willing to become part of the Voyager “collective” and puts aside her need to return to the Borg?

    If my above assumption is correct, then yes. She is growing exponentially personality wise, but there are significant challenges in doing so.

    Personally, I have been around engineers my entire life. Some people I know could rattle on for hours over something like p vs np even if they just learned about it a few hours ago. Put that same person in a complex social environment and they are absolutely clueless. It’s similar to Seven.

    Assuming I didn’t know anything about her timeline after Day of Honor, my guess would have been it would take years for her to learn how to operate in a complex structure like we are accustomed to. Janeway seems bright enough to understand that as well. So yeah, it would be a very long time before she could make the kinds of decisions we take for granted and Janeway would have to do that for her like a parent.

    Fast forward a bit to Picard, you can see how long it took for her character to develop into something that didn’t resemble a robot. (I am willfully excluding some later episodes of Voyager that were kind of odd, btw.)

  • It was totally fine. Borg implants or not, she was still human. She also didn’t have a choice about becoming Borg at such a young age. When her connection was cut with the collective, she basically became a child again making her Janeway’s responsibility. (That was close to Janeway’s logic I believe, and I agree with it. It was a human decision for another human who was incapable of making decisions.)

    The biggest thing is that Seven has already signed a contract with UPN, so she was kinda stuck for a few episodes anyway. Janeway knew this, so after thinking about it over a 50 gallon drum of coffee and a few packs of menthol Kools, she decided to just run with it and make it dramatic. (The Borg attorneys failed to overturn the terms of the contract even after several weeks of absolutely phenomenal work.)

  • Fake or outdated info, actually. While this is a small tangent, I make it a habit to review basic, introductory information on a regular basis. (For example, I’ll still watch the occasional 3D printer 101 guide even though I could probably build one from scratch while blindfolded.)

    I have been in IT for a very long time and have branched out into other engineering fields over the years. What I have found, unsurprisingly, is that methods and theories can get outdated quick. So, regularly reviewing things I consider “engineering gospel” is just healthy practice.

    For the topic at hand, it doesn’t take much misinformation (or outdated information) to morph into something absolutely fake, or at best, completely wrong. It takes work to separate fact from fiction and many people are too lazy to look past internet pictures with words, or 15 second video clips. (It’s also hard to break out of believing unverified information “just because that’s the way is”.)

  • All good! It’s the same situation as I described and I see that increasing temps did help. It’s good to do a temperature tower test for quality and also a full speed test after that. After temperature calibration, print a square that is only 2 or 3 bottom layers that covers the entire bed at full speed or faster. (It’s essentially a combined adhesion/leveling/extrusion volume/z offset test, but you need to understand what you are looking at to see the issues separately.)

    If you have extrusion problems, the layer line will start strong from the corners, get thin during the acceleration and may thicken up again at the bottom of the deceleration curve. A tiny bit of line width variation is normal, but full line separation needs attention.

    Just be aware if you get caught in a loop of needing to keep bumping up temperatures as that starts to get into thermistor, heating element or even some mechanical issues/problems.

  • I suppose you are correct. If the bit isn’t structural, it doesn’t need to pass any test for microcracks. If it is structural and it passes testing, YOLO that shit.

    It’s just the core frames that need serious attention though. I don’t think I have been around a single aircraft that wasn’t constantly bleeding some kind of fluid, so everything else not related to getting the thing in the air and keeping it from completely disintegrating while in flight is mostly optional. (I am joking, but not really. Airplanes hold the weird dichotomy of being strangely robust and extremely fragile at the same time.)