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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023

  • I agree, licensure is appropriate for electric bikes that work like petrol powered bikes. If you use a hand control or foot control to make the bike accelerate it is a vehicle with similar enough properties to a motorbike or motorised scooter that it should require a license plate, registration, and driver’s license.

    That said, anything that does assist only is more like a mobility scooter or bike with training wheels. You may not be able to go as long as you can with the electric bike by yourself, but if the drive characteristics are similar then it should be a bike. Those characteristics are speed, stop distance, involvement with the generation of motion, and how the weight is balanced.

    So a bike that assists when going up a hill but won’t help you go faster past a certain speed is not fundamentally changing how you behave on the bike, but if you can twist the handle and get acceleration beyond your personal max speed it is clearly different.

    If we could have many more people riding electric bikes which behave like supported push bikes then there would be fewer cars on the road, more exercise for people, and no massive increase in risk, actually probably a decrease due to fewer bikes being hit by the reduced number of cars.

  • I don’t know about videos but having a look at the OSI model is a good way to start. It covers the abstract framework for packetizing data including things like the distinction between hardware and software, envelope, encryption, application layer stuff, the whole shebang. The cool thing is by going hardware, network, application you can see where responsibility are and it helps you understand where things can go wrong.

    If you are interested there are plenty of CCNA style courses available on the internet, licit and otherwise, and they go into more depth, and the same applies to RHCE/RHCSA material. The training for certifications like that covers what you want to know but also puts it in context, and again licit and otherwise sources are available.

  • What cross are you talking about? Ankhs are the only thing that comes to mind and you buy those at the shops at the start of each 5 level set, so 6,11,16, etc. Ankhs provide a resurrection if you die but you won’t have your gear or any potions etc, so you have to run back to the site at which you died where you will find a backpack with all your stuff.

  • If someone does not treat you with respect you are not their friend, you are their pet.

    It is no reflection on you at all, this is purely on them, but if they don’t respect you they are not treating you as an equal as they should be.

    You deserve better.

    A healthy relationship can include a difference of experience, knowledge, even power, but not respect. Respect is the bedrock of a good relationship and if you don’t have that you may need to look elsewhere. If you were not modelled self respect or taught it you would benefit from learning about it.

    That all said, she sounds like she may just be compensating in some way, putting you down to elevate herself, but seriously you don’t have to take that. She could potentially change and stop this behaviour but she may persist and you may have no option but to get into a new friend ggroup and leave this one.

  • I used heavy trance when I had trouble when I was younger. I used night sounds like rain and thunder for a couple of years. Now my partner watches Minecraft videos while heading off to sleep and I cuddle them and fall asleep with them.

    That said, other tools are exercise, less caffeine, Ritalin (so I am not overtired and stressed), less sugar, and better heat management.

  • I’ve made it through the final boss and returned to the surface with the amulet as a huntress and mage but never a rogue. That said, yes, it is hard, and yes, it takes a lot of attempts. I would recommend trying to find ways of diverting enemies, tanking a little damage, and making yourself invisible. You can get closer to the boss using blink, haste, and invisibility and you can make the other enemies hit him with stones of aggression. You may also want to consider scrolls of challenge, wand of lightning or corrosion, and using the cloak to go invisible for a turn to let enemies dispirse. That said, good job getting that far, try again with what you learned, you will get there.

  • I’m here in Australia and now, 4.5 years in, still haven’t had it. I mask whenever outside and use good hand hygiene at a times. I carry alcohol hand sanitiser and have wipes in the car for when I take my mask off in the car to wipe my face. I haven’t had a cold, flu, RSV, or covid since 2019 when I started wearing the mask because of bushfires. I work with vulnerable people who could get very sick from covid and so I don’t want to carry it person to person, and I also have an immune compromised partner who I don’t want to give it to. Honestly it is not a big ask and it is very effective to just mask up.

  • I work in disability support. I leave the house, drive to my client, then don my mask and wear it until I leave the client and get back into my car. If I have a client all day I can just wear the mask all day, eating before and after my shift. I have not gotten a cold, flu, or other disease for the last 4 years and I have worked with people who actively have covid, influenza, RSV, and other illnesses.

    My mask is a pm 1.0, so a little better than pm 2.5 which is what n95 is, and it works very well. Honestly I can’t see me changing my behaviour around masking ever. I don’t get sick, I don’t carry illness to vulnerable clients, and I don’t have to change my behaviour day to day so habit is solid and easy to maintain.

    While it didn’t help my endocarditis last year it has definitely protected against covid and even now I have not gotten it once. I think it is a good deal overall.

  • So in my experience methylphenidate and dexamphetamine are the two most common. I tried dex and it was not useful, it made small differences but also made me jumpy, but methylphenidate is my personal ambrosia. Maybe consider also the dose, for methylphenidate which is my ideal drug the lowest dose was not very useful, the highest dose was pure Satan, but the dose I have is absolutely perfect, giving me support without side effects most of the time.

  • ADHD and ASD are commonly comorbid diagnoses. If you have an ASD diagnosis you are more likely than the average person to also have ADHD, and visa versa.

    A good way to see it is ADHD, ASD, and a few other things are on a spectrum together. Various factors drive which features present at a given level and particular patterns are groups together because the are common, but your specific configuration is different to mine. Mine is ADHD with ASD as a more minor but definitely present thing, but my partner is the inverse, much more ASD than ADHD but definitely both.

  • Chicken wings in an air fryer take about 20 minutes all up. If you cook them for two meals a day you can clean it every second day no worries, third if you have a bad day.

    You don’t actually have to have complex meals with sides and so on. Beef mince fried as patties or a scramble on a low heat will give you a reasonable meal with a pan, implement, and bowl. Chicken thighs cook well with just a little fat in the pan and a high heat at the start dropping to a medium. Eggs covered with water in a pot, bring to boil, take off heat, wait 17 minutes, perfect hard boiled eggs every time.

    Outsource and obscelete yourself. Do you have to do your taxes? Maybe someone else can do that and you can pay them and use the energy you saved to work more hours, ending up net positive. Obviously not always applicable, but my washer and dryer mean I don’t spend multiple hours a week hanging and forgetting and rewashing washing, I just wash and then into the heat pump dryer and it is done.

  • A handy thing for this situation is a second hand machine. It is a whole lot cheaper, still very much an upgrade, but reselling for a reasonable price is possible.

    The option I would actually recommend is to reinstall your OS. A fresh install if Windows or Linux is like a new computer in many ways. Add a few changes, like maybe changing theme and trying new software, can also make it better.

    If you wanted to satisfy that ADHD itch with Linux I would recommend trying something like ElementaryOS if you come from Mac world or EndeavourOS with KDE if you are from Windows world. Great operating systems with sane defaults and an easy install but well put together appearance and utility.

    Also, if you know where you are going maybe consider researching local options from there? Like calculate the postage, find the local stores, look for local second hand computer stores, etc.

  • I work with people who have had comas following stroke and yeah, honestly, no way for me. Coma is not just sleepy nap time, it is a serious problem that causes damage other than the loss of consciousness. Even when we induce coma medically using various chemicals it has associated harm. When I had my heart valve replaced they didn’t keep me in a coma for the usual 4 days, just a bit less than 2. Coma can be very medically helpful but it is not a free lunch, it causes damage some of which may never heal.

    Prison on the other hand is a highly variable thing. Prison in Australia? Yeah, better than a coma. Nordic countries? Yep, no question, probably walk out with a degree.

    Prison in the USA? Maybe coma. Honestly, no idea, it would be a coin toss at that point.

  • I have tried both and a bunch of others with a laptop with nVidia and Intel and have had a range of experiences.

    Anything Ubuntu based worked out of the box but any significant deviation from the exact current standard made things less stable. Changing WM/DE was not really possible and troubleshooting was opaque. Snap was also a nightmare of broken packages and bad update processes.

    Manjaro looked really nice and had that lovely Arch flavour, but it is not really Arch, more Arch adjacent. Lots of things work similarly but lots of things break in bad ways. They have had numerous issues with security, bad updates, and general poor practice.

    Pop is cool, I like it, but just not a good fit for me. Cosmic is a great environment but I like to tinker too much and while the team is great and do good work it is just not the same kind of defaults I like.

    EndeavourOS is my current pick. It is Arch with sane defaults. It comes prebuilt with a DE configured, backups using BTRFS snapshots, a handy updater and package management config, some cool apps built in, and it is very performant. The guides for hardware video acceleration worked first time for me which has never happened before, normally that is a major pain and takes a few days to get sorted on a fresh install. Graphics performance is awesome, same with built in OOM protection. That said, make sure you have enough RAM. I had 8gb in my laptop and ended upgrading to 32gb after a number of failed builds and messing around with swap to get things to finish. If you have less than 16gb RAM I would recommend upgrading.

    Whatever you choose, I would recommend trying a few things before settling down. The right fit is right for today and may change, so try things again in the future if you feel uncomfortable. Also do what works for you, not for anyone else. If you don’t like Arch you are not obligated to use it, same with Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, etc. Keep the fun of it and play around, maybe just boot up a few live environments and see if something tickles you. I hear good things about Hannah Montana Linux.

  • Indeed, it was a really clear case of election interference through the falsification of business records. It is a good result and now we just have to wait and see how people react. Will he beat Biden in the election? Will he be clearly rejected? I hope things end with him not being in office, but no matter what happens he cannot pardon himself for state crimes and if he wins the election and New York sentences him to prison time then there will be a novel set of issues to resolve from there. Ideally he loses, is sentenced to prison, and spends the remainder of his life offline.