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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • Ahhh an Aussie, your state mandated levels of Stockholm syndrome towards your nanny state will never allow you to open your eyes to any other possibilities. Again with the word ‘free’, I don’t think you quite understand how much you pay through your arse for so little. If you think the UK has good healthcare or is something to brag about, you truly are lost my friend.

  • Have you actually lived anywhere in Europe or are you just guessing from the other side of the fence? Do you have any idea how much we have to pay through our noses for useless medical insurance that leaves you waiting 3-4 weeks to see a mf GP when it is your turn and has people dying on waiting lists.

    I’m not advocating for a USA style system, but the momo above you makes it sound like Europe (western part anyway) is some sort of utopia.