Þ° (they / any)

  • 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024

  • Love how he is often able to push on the way autism is viewed.

    I live my life mired in nuance. So much is in the realm of “not enough data to reach a conclusion” and so many people act as though it’s a matter of fact. And yet my thinking is considered wrong for not accepting extrapolations of incomplete data that feels unjustified by “this is how it works”.

    Much like in this example: yes the DSM states black and white thinking is a problem for autistic people, while also being biased to not diagnosing people that lack this issue.

    Feels ironic that the mental health field often gets hung up treating people as a member of category rather than individuals with room to be exceptional from the accepted mode of thinking for the category.

  • TLDR; the non-monogomous community has a generally lower tolerance for the toxic social norms common among cis-het men. A man that finds himself impatient with his success in dating might consider that it makes sense for non-men to be cautious of all men, and he might need to do the work to recognize he might be the one that needs to learn what others expect of him to be found attractive.