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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: June 3rd, 2024


  • The things you can do are support groups and politicians that will push the country in the direction you want it to move

    So voting the greens is good because they’re moving the country in the direction of non-genocide? I’m European myself, but I don’t see how anyone could vote for the party whose candidate, during an ongoing genocide, says that “defends the right of Israel to defend itself” and claims that the US should have “the most lethal” fighting force in the world. Not most efficient, not most effective, not best funded: most LETHAL.

  • The Tankie actually said something on the lines of, “If you would JUST READ MARX you would know that earning capital is a fundamental cornerstone of communism!”

    I’m a communist who doesn’t want to call China a communist country, so I don’t really agree with the person that you were talking to, but your second paragraph does show you haven’t researched communism or its history. The debate of whether societies need to undergo capitalist capital accumulation first to enter communism is about as old as communism, and the history of communism is full of examples of this. It’s the ideological reason why the Russian Socialist Democratic Labor Party split into two wings: the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks, the former believing that the Russian Empire had to undergo capitalism first in other to become communist, and the latter wanting to implement socialism to the primitive almost feudalist Russian empire. Some similar split happened more discreetly inside the Communist Party of China, with Mao implementing socialism directly to the extremely underdeveloped Chinese society, and later Deng Xiaoping opting for the more market-socialism (known now to many as "socialism with Chinese characteristics).

    So you may or may not agree whether china is communist, but from your comment it’s clear that you’re very oblivious to the historical and ideological reasons for the argument as to whether china is or isn’t a socialist country and whether they’re on the path to it. It’s good to discuss things and to have opinions, but please get informed before dismissing other people’s opinions on topics they’ve probably dedicated more time than you to studying.

  • Yeah, blame the immigrants. Very .world thing to do lol. Taking Germany, for example, according to Wikipedia, 0.17% population growth per year between 2010 and 2020 doesn’t seem too great for me, compared to China’s yearly >4% GDP growth for example they’d reduce per-capita growths by an insignificant amount. I’m European myself, and I can tell you that the lack of GDP per capita growth between 2008 and 2024 isn’t due to population reasons either, and I’m guessing it’s the same for the bigger EU economies like France,Italy and Spain but feel free to correct me otherwise.

    2008 as my benchmark is exactly my point: the European economy has only now economically recovered from the effects of its own self-imposed policy of austerity and deprivation of worker rights and welfare, without having restored said rights or welfare to pre-2008 levels. And we see countries like the UK under “labor” administration falling to the same policy again as soon as they enter the government. In the meanwhile, without falling into such policy (although without many significant victories for welfare and labor AFAIK), China has grown its per-capita GDP threefold since 2008.

    So no, I don’t think “Chinese economy looks bad”, I wish my European country’s economy would mimic a fraction of the Chinese growth actually

  • If you read the article, it’s talking about a 2-year anniversary of some deliberation made by UN, not about any new evidence of anything. There’s a claim of “hundreds of thousands still remain wrongfully imprisoned”, but I beg you to find a source for that because the article doesn’t provide any… because it’s not true. The focus of the article is “there’s been no punishment yet on any Chinese officials, and the laws are still in place”. No (sourced) metrics of people suffering any abuses, nothing, just a general condemnation without evidence. Did you even read it?

  • The events that led to the conquest of northern Africa by Arabs took place what, 1000+ years ago? You can hardly argue that “Arabs are colonialists” in modern times by judging 1000+ years old historical events, in the same way you probably wouldn’t judge modern Greek people as colonialists because they speak an Indo-European language and Indo-European languages are spoken all over the continent of Europe and much beyond.