• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • For gaming you want the latest updates. Of all the major distros, only Arch, Suse and Fedora provide that. Arch requires you to learn to about and fix breakage. Fedora has a gaming spin which works like a Steam Deck: Bazzite.

    I’ve distro hopped between 10+ distros, and Bazzite has been the only one that gave me a rock solid stability and latest drivers simultaneously. It’s not purely immutable, Fedora calls it Atomic.

    I suggest you try it, and tell me if there was anything you couldn’t do.

    Also: I don’t support Canonical’s walled garden

  • I play Overwatch since OW1’s launch. It’s competitive/ranked play mode is incomparable to say… CounterStrike 2’s level of polish for example. That said, it’s crazy fun in Quick Play (unranked), and if you are looking for a hero shooter where the whole hero is entirely different from others, then it’s the best free to play hero shooter since all microtransactions available are only cosmetics. No pay to win mechanic available whatsoever.

    The bad press is because between OW1 and OW2 they completly trashed the competitive scene, while also overpromising and not delivering at all, a PVE campaign mode. After that, they moved to a semi-pay-to-win model where there where timed exclusive heroes behind a battle pass, after that you could unlock them by grinding, but that model has evolved into a cosmetic-only model. So, no more semi-pay-to-win, only cosmetics.

    So, right now, OW2 is closer to OW1’s greatness than it has ever been since they trashed it. Not there yet in terms of balance, polish, competitive mode, but it has grown in the amount of modes, heros and maps.

    For me, for what I value, OW2 is the best hero shooter. We’ll see when I get a hold of Marvel Rivals.

  • I have 3 Linux based PC gaming rigs. The challenge I face in my family is that my kids want to play what other kids play, and that means Fortnite and FIFA primarily, both of which can’t run under Proton and their respective publishers are to blame for intentionally not supporting the platform because it doesn’t make business sense to them (cost of support vs. quantity of users).

    I will hold the door as long as I can, but if this doesn’t change, my kids will eventually ask me for a Switch or a PS5. I guess I’ll take my shot at dual boot then.