Of the 60,000 bees in a hive, almost 99% of them are female! Female honey bees, or worker bees, make all of the decisions in the hive and do all of the work. There are a couple hundred male bees in a hive, but they don’t do much but sit around and eat food.
Women are Bees. Men are Birds. Arrhenotoky OP.
Thats a little to common sense for the average American.
I’d wager bees are boys, for bathroom purposes, cause boys have a “stinger”
Same thought different reasoning: the expression “a bees dick” exists. There’s no equivalent for birds.
A birds pecker?
Huh, not heard that one
Meanwhile I’ve never heard “a bee’s dick” in my life.
I think it’s a play on words Bees -> Bs, B stands for Boy. Birds -> British slang for women.
Birds -> Bs, B stands for Boy…