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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 18th, 2023

  • The issue isn’t changing language, it’s quickly changing language

    Lingo is used by groups the world over to communicate about complex topics quickly. A side effect of this is that use of lingo excludes those who aren’t familiar with the terms. In most settings (like workplaces) this is a necessary evil and newcomers quickly catch on and the language is not a barrier to them being a part of the group while everyone communicates efficiently.

    What’s going on here is lingo being used because of the side effects, not in spite of them. Lingo is rapidly created and viciously enforced to tighten group bonds and identity based on ideology by using language to distance the group from outsiders.

    Don’t know the latest terms? You aren’t consuming the right media. Better watch these videos and read these articles that reinforce the group’s ideology.

    Didn’t use the newest lingo? You aren’t spending enough time on the right sites and platforms. Here, this echo chamber will get you up to speed.

    Did you use a term incorrectly? Here comes the negative peer pressure to keep you in line with the group.

  • When politicians are looking to score points with the public will they enact expensive social safety nets, or will they push for cheap and quick weapon bans?

    Do politicians care about efficacy, or do they care about appearing to take action?

    If a person’s goal is to reduce homicides the means need to be decoupled from the argument. It’s highly counterintuitive, but four decades of US domestic policy have proven that if the means of homicide are a part of the discussion politicians will focus on it in order to look like they’re doing something without spending enormous amounts of taxpayer money - efficacy be damned.

  • It’s not just hair, it attraction in a marriage.

    We’re talking about a major voluntary change to a person’s appearance made repeatedly despite their spouse’s objections. While the wife is absolutely free to do whatever, the lack of consideration speaks volumes.

    Imagine if he shaved off his eyebrows off and his wife said he looked weird like that. He likes it, she hates it and finds it ugly. He absolutely, undeniably has the right to keep his eyebrows bare as a baby’s bottom.

    In our hypothetical, him not trying to make a compromise (like trimming his eyebrows halfway or tweezing them) means that he’s totally OK with his spouse finding him repulsive and is not willing to budge an inch for her sake. He’s going to do what he wants, her feelings of attraction towards her spouse are simply unimportant to him.