Another traveler of the wireways.

  • 21 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • But isopropyl alcohol and enough elbow grease will get it off, if it’s just a coating on plastic.

    Do beware, however, that you may want to dilute the alcohol to some degree, or simply use a lower concentration form of it. Too strong and it may eat at the underlying plastic just as much as the coating and ruin it.


    are you getting a cut from kagi for writing that instead of search? gimme the deets on that deal if so! 😛

  • If the Otterbox case had a rubberized coating on it to try to improve grip, and with it being 6 years old, there’s a possibility it’s the culprit. You could try ditching the case for a little while, and/or getting a new case and swapping them out, clean the surfaces again and see if you feel the stickiness again after handling your phone and other stuff.

    However, often with those rubberized coatings, the degradation (when severe enough to feel sticky) is more immediately apparent and you’d be more apt to avoid touching anything else afterward. Also in my experience I don’t recall it transferring to other surfaces much, but then again when I dealt with it I noticed ASAP and cleaned my hands right away.

    • Require you to type the instance before you can start typing your credentials.
      • This complicates things and adds an extra step. This also wouldn’t completely solve the problem.

    First thought in a similar vein to this, have a pause for credential & instance review before passing them along?

    E.g. Type everything in as-is, but instead of log in promptly sending anything, it displays all the information you just entered again with some simple message like, “Does everything here look correct?” and Yes/No or something of the sort.

    It complicates things and adds a step as well, however I think it would do a better job of encouraging people to double-check for any typos than what you mention in what I’ve quoted above. Bonus of this idea is that it also keeps external ties to a minimum.

  • I’m not sure if it’s offered as a part-time job, but you might look into localization jobs. Sometimes (often?) they may be the same exact job, but in the situations that they’re not it may help to find jobs you might otherwise miss.

    The problem with AI translations with some languages is that their results can be far too literal and miss much needed nuance to deliver the desired message, so: localization. Like you said, translation, especially good translation, is an art, and a major part of that is in localizing the translations for different audiences.

  • This is buried toward the bottom of the release notes so I’m bringing it up here:

    Added instance-level default sort type

    Any admins out there considering changing their instance sort settings or asking people on their instance if they’d like this changed, given that we can individually set sorting anyway? Taking into account the inclination of people to never adjust default settings (I remain deeply curious about this tendency, as an aside), I think it might be worth at least bringing up to one’s instance community.

    If they decide they want it to remain the same, all good, and even better, it raises some people’s awareness that they can change it themselves.

  • Little feedback on the UI from taking a peek at this.

    When I went into settings and adjusted post display style from card to anything else, it wasn’t clear to me that this wouldn’t apply to the new For You feed, which left me confused and less inclined to use it. I still gave it a try to make sure I wasn’t missing anything and to see how much the feed seemed to change with some light interaction, but I think you’d need to use it more than I did to see an effect.

    Problem being: display settings not applying to the For You feed means I’m not going to use it much with the default card view.

    Second part is that there was some comment display lag as I looked through posts, so if I looked at a post about cats with cat-related comments, those comments would linger and appear for a moment under a different post about possums. It’s just long enough to be noticeable, so thought it worth mentioning.

  • Huh. I had to take a quick glance at the timestamp of this article to make sure it wasn’t old, as this was the same issue that inspired a short-lived fork a few years ago.

    I get where this article’s coming from, as I got where the people trying to fork it under a different name were too, however for better or worse I think what matters even more to people is that the software works well and has a good UX. If I remember right, I think Glimpse intended to focus on improving the UX but it didn’t last long enough to do much in that regard.

    Better than my memory though, here’s an article that gives some insight into what went into the cessation of its development.

  • It’s really hard to gauge humanity when it really only takes a few terrible people to ruin things for everyone else.

    Using that perspective to recognize the many other alright people I think might be a way for people to encourage one another and feel less wary of calling out bad actors. It’s a funny thing, but the same live and let live tendencies we appreciate from others at times seems to diminish the slight resolve necessary to push back against those negatively affecting many others.

    Similarly, I think it’s beneficial to recognize the good as much as the bad, as otherwise we take the former for granted and can grow too jaded and overly cynical.