• 2 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • Automation has evolved a huge amount since the 90s, probably more than the mobile.phone has. This sort of device has been common in food factories for quite a while now and is inevitably moving into first high-volume then after refinement canteen kitchens before slowly making its way into the home.

    It’s a great thing if it does, the food industry is hugely wasteful especially when trying to lower overheads which also lowers quality and healthiness of diets. Multistage processing allows near to raw ingredients to be sourced locally and used as needed thus avoiding the need for chemical preservatives, pre-proceasing and all the transport logistics, added risk, and etc. Cheap food places could go back to the days of getting fresh produce delivered rather than bags of presliced and shaped meal components from a factory - that’d be huge amounts of plastic and oil use removed from our global consumption.

    Of course this installed device is probably just fairly basic pick and place using preshaped meal components but it’s a step in the evolution of small-scale industrial kitchens which will eventually benefit us all.

  • They’ve gone down massively, I save enough flying budget to the US with only a rucksack to allow me to eat out every night of my first week and that’s just compared to inclusive old fashioned style tickets - which by the way are still the most common option. My whole holiday normally costs less than the ticket price did 25 years ago, plus I fly from the most local Airport to the most local to my accommodation which saves time and money.

    If you don’t like us poors having options then sorry, you’re welcome to pay considerably more for a shitty microwave meal and excess luggage you don’t really need but I will be packing a sandwich, sitting a little uncomfortably, in whatever seat is given, using my phone instead of an in seat entertainment system, and not taking heaps of needless stuff.

    Personally I’d love if they introduced flexible tickets where I book and they fit me on whatever flight has room within a window of a few days, and I’d love those double decker seats they invented to fit more people, racked compartments you lay in like a Japanese hotel would be amazing too if it fit more people on and lowered the shared cost of the flight.

  • It’s insane seeing American ads where they tell you they have a new pill and follow it with a list of genuinely horrific possibilities ‘may make your spleen gain it’s own sentience, may invade Poland, stop taking if your penis swells to 80x its normal size and weaps tears of flaming blood…’

    Are Americans so used to it that they just tune it all out like with the California cancer warnings? I feel like I could never get used to that and I’d probably end up a paranoid doctor avoiding loon with warnings about big pharma written all over my car.