• Djtecha@lemm.ee
      27 days ago

      What are you talking about? The first paragraph in is showing clear policy points to achieve objectives. Do you think you’ll get bill numbers or something here?

      • thefartographer@lemm.ee
        27 days ago

        I don’t Bill nor Hillary’s number! I’ll take Bernie’s, though…

        “No you hang up. Nuh uh, you hang up this time. Okay, but before I hang up, tell me again about how I deserve dignity in life through healthcare?”

        Edit: I forgot the word “want.” Oh well.

          • thefartographer@lemm.ee
            27 days ago

            @Djtecha@lemm.ee asked a snarky and well deserved question in response to RangerJosie’s either uninformed or specifically malicious comment. Rhetorically, they asked

            Do you think you’ll get bill numbers or something here?

            Intentionally, and for comedic effect, I pretended to misread this question to say “Do you think you’ll get Bill’s number or something here?”

            Since this is a political community, I decided to pretend that Djtecha was offering Bill Clinton’s phone number. I threw Hillary’s name in the mix to keep the theme political vs sexual since Bill is often an easy target on that front.

            Then, I used this joke to bridge the gap to include everyone’s favorite advocate, Bernie Sanders. Finally, I crafted a situational punchline to make it sound like I’m a smitten party on a phone call with Bernie Sanders, doing the classic teenager “no you hang up first.” Finally, instead of saying something like “fine, but sing me that song I love until I fall asleep,” I acted like I’d ask Bernie to explain single-payer healthcare and why everyone deserves it until I fall asleep.

            I hope I’ve clarified on my latest episode of my joke apparently wasn’t funny, and this explanation is surely making things worse. Y’all have a nice night!

    • just_another_person@lemmy.worldOP
      27 days ago

      Your username is known around here already. You think any person in politics who isn’t doing EXACTLY as you think they should do is making concessions and pandering, but you’re wrong. You’re not voting for her anyway, so why even bother commenting here?

      • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
        27 days ago

        To be clear, it’s not the job of voters to be cheerleading sycophants for “team”.

        Lemmy doesn’t really have a strong grasp of the importance of not supporting politicians or parties blindly. It’s important to be critical of them, their policies, their approach, everything.

        We didn’t give ourselves a shot in this election carrying water blindly. In fact, those who were (the downvoters to op’s comment) were enabling and empowering Trump. In-fact Lemmy moderation even went as far as enacting bans to support this narrow and now demonstrated to be wrong approach to electoralism. What gave us a shot this cycle was a small cohort making a difficult but obvious point that we need to hold our candidates accountable, and if they aren’t acceptable, to reject them.

        So I haven’t looked at the policies, but it’s awful late. It sounds like OP thinks they are vague. This was a real problem that we learned under Obama is that we can’t trust them to follow through with things in spirit; we need it in ink, or ideally in blood. Harris is clearly campaigning to the right and looking for Republicans rather than the left to carry her through. This has been shown to be a repeatedly terrible electoral strategy since 2012.

        • TheHiddenCatboy@lemmy.world
          26 days ago

          I’m all for having an honest debate about our politicians, and calling them out when they cowtow to the other side and either don’t lay down their policies to be held accountable or end up not doing what they promise, and in a Bush v. Gore situation, I’d even condone punishing Team Blue in one election to encourage them to be more Blue next election, but I’m not sure that that’s the smartest policy when Team Red has gone full Fascist. We get 2024 wrong, we may not get a 2026 or 2028 to fix it.

          And to understand the downvotes, you have to understand the environment right now. Russia’s got a vested interest in the US falling to Authoritarianism. Trump wins in November, it’s only a matter of time until Russia snatches up parts of, if not all of, Ukraine, and wins a bigger seat at the International table as Trump turns a blind eye to Russia’s adventures in the world. Their strategy is to rally right-wing voters behind Trump, while distract Lefties with things like the war in Palestine, not getting exactly what they want domestically, and whatever else the Russians can dig up to shut down the Left as they work on revving up the Right. While I’m not saying EVERY criticism of a Leftie by a Leftie is Russian propaganda, I AM saying that there’s an awful lot of Russian propaganda posing as Left-Wing criticism of Kamala Harris, and this all serves the goal of depressing Left-Wing participation in the election so the Authoritarians can win.

          Lemmy ‘voters’ are expressing that they think RangerJosie is either a right-wing plant, a ‘useful idiot’ Leftie, or a Russian troll (or bot). Each of these are bad in their own ways, and all three lead to the same outcome – an authoritarian takeover of the government that will leave lefties high and dry for a long while. Your own downvotes are coming from people who think you’re aiding Trump and are dishonest about your intentions, and you sure don’t help yourself with your replies.

          And you’re bitching about modding? The moderators shut down any attempt to call out the paid actors or bots over ‘civility’. They sure aren’t shutting down the dishonest attempts by Russia to shut down Left-wingers and amplify authoritarians.

      • RangerJosie@lemmy.world
        27 days ago

        I’m sorry for the double post. But this teen girl clique drama sounding ass first line is incredible.

        I’m waiting for you to call me Becky while shaking your head side to side.

      • RangerJosie@lemmy.world
        27 days ago

        I may not be bothering to vote. But I reserve the right to complain.

        Fear not. If she fucks around and loses ill talk mad shit about chump too.

        • just_another_person@lemmy.worldOP
          27 days ago

          No, you don’t “reserve the right to complain” if you aren’t taking part. That’s like saying you’re the asshole who gets to tell everyone else how they need to be living their lives just based on your own confidence that you have the better ideas.

          You don’t. You have this tone of being some magnanimous asshole thinking everyone is just fucking up around you, but you’re just “allowing” it to happen.

          • RangerJosie@lemmy.world
            27 days ago

            What im doing is using my leverage to its greatest effect.

            Dems move right. They’ll lose. Proven track record. They think they’ll turn Republicans. But they won’t. They’ll turn a few comfortable fence sitters who would be fine either way. But no real numbers. And definitely not those motivated by cultural grievance.

            Wait and see. They’ll move right. Get almost no Republicans. And lose the liberals out near succdem territory. Left of that was already gone. We have hard demands. Like Universal Healthcare, ending the genocide in Gaza. Small asks, you know. But they’re not asks, they’re demands. Red lines. And we like unions on this side. We’re used to holding the line. We do not caper and simp for politicians. They come to where we are, or they can fuck off.

            Now by all means. Unleash your impotent fury upon me. Tell me how I am all manner of villain and don’t forget to tell me about how I’m helping chump win. Do not forget the finger wagging. Not one wag.

            You know. I was going to vote for her at one point. I was going to suspend my demands after she “snubbed” Netanyahu immediately after Joe stepped down. But then came the mixed messages and hem hawing on LITERAL FUCKING GENOCIDE. Then the DNC. Where she let AIPAC dictate that no, a Palestinian American could not give a pre-screened speech at the DNC. That sealed it. I, me, myself. Will never compromise on genocide. That’s not a line. That’s a cliff. There is no circumstance in which I will support or give my vote to anyone who would support a genocide. Doesn’t matter where. That they’re ok with it at all is the ultimate indictment on them. I don’t care about pragmatism or geopolitics. There are many things in this world that run a spectrum of grey, this is not one of those. This is black and white. Good and evil. And if both candidates are fine with it then this country is lost. And deserves whatever ill fate befalls it.

            Edit - Pretty much Harris’ only hope is that enough Republican women will secretly vote for her against the wishes of their husbands and church leaders. Which is possible. But not guaranteed. But Harris needs to lean on Roe hard. She should be throwing bills right now. Even if they’re doomed. Force them through. Force the Republicans on the record. And use those votes as ammunition. It’s really too bad that dems only know how to play politics when it comes to crushing dissent from within.

            • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
              27 days ago

              No Josie, I think you’ve got 💯 the right of it and that your downvoters are all idiots. I’ve caught multiple bans here, there and elsewhere specifically making the exact points you are right now. So most importantly I want you to know you aren’t alone, and you’ve got friends here that both agree with you, and have also suffered the slings and arrows the, frankly reactionary, Lemmy userbase.

              It’s a fucked system and your vote is the only thing you have. Withholding it for some kind of policy position is literally the only thing that has been demonstrated to be effective at moving political actors over the previous 20 years of politics. You are making the right choice.

              • timbuck2themoon@sh.itjust.works
                26 days ago

                It does move politicians… To the right.

                Because dumbasses who don’t vote aren’t courted. Same reason politicians don’t bother with young people. Because statistically they don’t vote. But all those old fucks do. It’s why social security never goes away but Medicare for all never comes.

                You guys are down voted for stupid ideas. Not because Anyone is “reactionary”.

                • TropicalDingdong@lemmy.world
                  26 days ago

                  Yeah except you are just completely ahistorical and wrong. The preponderance of evidence supports my position not yours.

                  • Djtecha@lemm.ee
                    26 days ago

                    Well vote for the candidate you want. Write it in. But sitting home and just ranting online is dumb. Also posting snarky lies about lack of policy that is clearly defined in the damn link makes you look like an idiot at best and a plant at worst. You want a discussion then OK have one but when you open with that garbage then there’s really no point in doing anything other then dismissing you.

          • anticolonialist@lemmy.world
            27 days ago

            Handing off leverage would be the ones that hate everything that Democrats stand for, but will still vote for them. Those are the same people that said they would push Biden left after the election, when all they did was go to brunch. their failure to make even attempts at pushing left has resulted in right wing authoritarianism being on the menu.